Free MSP430 Debugger Link Library 0.2a

Free MSP430 Debugger Link Library 0.2a

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Free MSP430 Debugger Link Library Library

This manual is for program, version version.

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1 Introduction

Free MSP430 Debugger Link Library v0.2a is a free software initially designed to allow GNU/Linux user to use their OLIMEX MSP430 JTAG debugger without running a virtual machine under Windows to execute the msp430-gdbproxy using OLIMEX DLL.

This library is still under development and may have some problems. If you find one, I would appreciate you give me a feedback or a patch to optimize the whole library.

I hope it will grow up and get more functions than only OLIMEX debugger handling. I wrote it to be flexible, so you can “easily” add TI FET support as an example. I do not have one so I can't do it myself.

For more informations, send me a mail to

The current project page is at

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2 Supported Devices

This library currently supports the debuggers :

The known devices in the database are :

The only ones I tested are :

To add support for other devices, you have to add it to the src/msp430-device.c file, in the array respecting the structure.

Note : Most of the untested devices are probably not correctly configured in the array, I just completed some data from an example from TI Replicator (slau265e) on which I added some fields to get the needed data.

Attention, when adding data to the array, wrong values can put the device to an unpredictable state.

Example of a new device :

0xF46F, /* The device Identifier */
FALSE, /* Test pin presence */
TRUE, /* CpuX device */
TRUE, /* DataQuick support */
TRUE, /* FastFlash support */
TRUE, /* Enhanced Memory verification */
TRUE, /* JTAG Presence */
FALSE, /* Spy-Bi-Wire support */
0x1100, /* Ram start address */
0x20FF, /* Ram end address */
0x0000, /* Ram2 start address (for future products I suppose) */
0x0000, /* Ram2 end address */
0x2100, /* Main flash start address */
0x200FF, /* Main flash end address */
0x1000, /* Informations data start address */
0x10FF, /* Informations data end address */
0x0008, /* Breakpoints count */
0x0003, /* Emulation count (I don't know where to find it) */
0x0002, /* Clock control count /*
1800, /* Minimum operating voltage (in mV) */
3600, /* Maximum operating voltage */
"MSP430FG4619" /* Device name */

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3 Installation

This Library has been designed to work on a multiple choice of operating systems, also the installation steps are different on each one.

3.1 configure options

By default, the program will build using libftdi for debugger access. You can force it to build using FTDI FTD2XX library (for example on Windows where libftdi doesn't work) by using the switch --disable-libftdi in the configure options.

You can also turn the debugging output on by using --enable-debug switch.

3.2 GNU/Linux

Building the library will require you to have installed on your system the libraries :

Once it is present on your system, just type
Then, when the configuration is correctly done, launch make to build the library. The installation can be done by typing make install as we are used to.

If you want to use it with the msp430-gdbproxy program, you have to create a symbolic link on the file to point to /usr/lib/
Note : If you are running a 64bits system, you will have problems when running msp430-gdbproxy which is a 32bits version with your 64bits shared library, you should build FMDLL with a 32bits compiler and linker.

3.3 Windows

Building on Windows is a little bit more tricky since it is a portage.

To build libfmdll on windows, you will need mingw32 and msys to generate the code.

Extract the program into msys home directory and create a folder tree like this :

In lib/windows/ftd2xx, put ftd2xx.h and libftd2xx.a (you can get it from ftd2xx.lib by using the reimp utility) from FTDI D2XX package.
In lib/windows/glib-2.0, extract include and lib directory from Glib2.0 dev package (can be found here

Then, in msys, use the commands :
./configure --disable-libftdi

You will get a libfmdll.dll into src/.libs or in /local/lib if you type make install.

3.4 MacOSX

Building on MacOSX works the same way as under Linux. You just have to ensure that libglib-2.0-dev and libftdi are installed (you can do it using macport). Once installed, just go into the libfmdll directory and type :
make install

To get the library on your system.

If you get some problems, try to type ./bootstrap and restart from ./configure.

Note: msp430-gdbproxy is not yet present on this platform. A free implementation which would work with the FMDLL is under development.

3.5 FreeBSD

Library building works the same way as under GNU/Linux, you just might have to launch the ./bootstrap script before the configuration in order to regenerate the m4 scripts and the libtool link.

Note: msp430-gdbproxy is not yet present on this platform. A free implementation which would work with the FMDLL is under development.

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4 Hacking into the code

This chapter will attempt to describe the program structure in the aim to help programmers to understand the way it was designed, to add modules, functionalities as needed.

4.1 Program structure

This file contains the CRC calculation procedure for the protocol layer.
This module content the hardware access layer using libftdi, it is the lowest layer in this program. Here is handled the only libftdi accesses. All data transit to the debugger pass through this layer.
This module content the hardware access layer using ftd2xx, it is the lowest layer in this program. Here is handled the only ftd2xx accesses. All data transit to the debugger pass through this layer.
Here is the OLIMEX MSP430 JTAG ISO device handling. This layer handles the debugger state, opening, initialization and closing. The commands frames are generated to match the debugger protocol and are sent using the protocole module.
This modules contains all the target relative functions used with the OLIMEX MSP430 JTAG ISO debugger. It works the same way as olimex_mji.c module.
This file contains the supported device definitions, including the needed data for the debugger to run. A searching procedure is available to get a device from it's ID.
This is the upper layer on this library. It's an common interface to generate a shared object compliant with libmsp430 library from Texas Instrument. All the functions are not currently implemented, the FMDLL library may not work with some programs.

4.2 Coding conventions

As you will notice in the next section, the coding conventions used in this project are pretty simples:

4.3 Detailed files description

This section exposes the modules functions and the relative exported functions, for more details, see the source code which I tried to comment as clearly as possible.

4.3.1 crc.c

This file is from the fetproxy software (see Bibliography). I used it without any modifications.
It is used to generate the sent frame CRC and to check the received ones.

4.3.2 protocole_ftdi.c

This module allow the program to communicate with the debugger only focusing on the frame content. It handles the whole low level aspect, from opening the USB device communication (using libftdi, see Bibliography) to managing the data encapsulation.

The exported functions are :
PROTOCOLE_STATUS protocole_init(void);
PROTOCOLE_STATUS protocole_open_device(guint16 vid, guint16 pid);
PROTOCOLE_STATUS protocole_close_device(void);
PROTOCOLE_STATUS protocole_configure_device(PROTOCOLE_CONFIG *pcConfig);
PROTOCOLE_STATUS protocole_send_data(guint8* data, size_t len, gint *sent);
PROTOCOLE_STATUS protocole_send_frame_raw(guint8* data, size_t len, gint *sent);
PROTOCOLE_STATUS protocole_read_data(guint8* buffer, size_t buffer_size, gint* read);
PROTOCOLE_STATUS protocole_read_frame_raw(guint8* buffer, size_t buffer_size, gint* read);
PROTOCOLE_STATUS protocole_flush_buffers(void);

All these functions are declared as DLL_LOCAL, that means in this program that they are not exported when the shared object is generated; You can only access them from the library.

4.3.3 protocole_ftd2xx.c

This modules is a replacement for protocole_ftdi.c when you want to use FTDI D2XX library instead of libftdi (this is mainly used on Windows systems). It uses the same interface and can't be compiled in the same time as protocole_ftdi.c.

4.3.4 olimex_mji.c

This module contains the OLIMEX MSP430 JTAG ISO debugger specific instructions. It handles the debugger state (opened, initialized, closed) and the general commands (Debugger initialization, VCC setting...).

The exported functions are :
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_initialize(guint32* version);
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_close(guint8 close_type);
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_vcc(gfloat fVoltage);
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_configure(guint mode, guint val);

All these functions are declared as DLL_LOCAL, that means in this program that they are not exported when the shared object is generated; You can only access them from the library.

4.3.5 olimex_target.c

This module works with the same device as the precedent, it handles the target device relative functions (Identification, memory access, context reading/writing, execution control...). It works once the debugger is initialized, configured and the target is powered.

The exported functions are :
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_target_identify(guint *deviceId);
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_target_reset(guint8 param);
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_target_state(guint32 *state, guint count, guint32* read);
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_target_get_context(guint32 *registers, guint regs_count, guint* read_registers);
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_target_set_context(guint32 *registers, guint regs_count);
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_target_run(guint32 mode, guint32 param);
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_target_set_breakpoint(guint32 code, guint32 address);
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_target_memory(guint32 mem_address, guint8 *data, guint16 data_len, OT_MEMORY_FUNCTION function);
OLIMEX_STATUS olimex_target_erase(guint8 function, guint32 address, guint16 length);

All these functions are declared as DLL_LOCAL, that means in this program that they are not exported when the shared object is generated; You can only access them from the library.

4.3.6 msp430_device.c

This module contains the target device relative informations; an array of structure is used to store device informations needed to debug it (CpuX core, Memory location, Flash location, spy-bi-wire support...).

The exported function is: MSP430_DEVICE msp430_get_device(guint16 devId);

It returns the structure containing the needed data from the device ID.

4.3.7 libmsp430_interface.c

This part of the library is not really a module, it makes an interface between the other modules and an external program made to work with TI libMSP430 library. All it's functions are exported to be accessed from an external software and provides a common interface to the internal functions.

The exported functions are: int MSP430_Initialize(CHAR const * port, LONG* version);
int MSP430_Close(LONG vccOff);
int MSP430_Configure(LONG mode, LONG value);
int MSP430_VCC(LONG voltage);
int MSP430_Reset(LONG method, LONG execute, LONG releaseJTAG);
int MSP430_Erase(LONG type, LONG address, LONG length);
int MSP430_Memory(LONG address, CHAR* buffer, LONG count, LONG rw);
int MSP430_Breakpoint(LONG bpNumber, LONG address);
int MSP430_Registers(guint* Regs, LONG Value, guint32 rw);
int MSP430_Run(guint32 mode, guint32 param);
int MSP430_State(guint32* state, guint32 count, guint32* read);
int MSP430_VerifyMem(LONG StartAddr, LONG Length, CHAR *DataArray);
int MSP430_EraseCheck(LONG StartAddr, LONG Length);
LONG MSP430_Error_Number(void);
const CHAR* MSP430_Error_String(LONG errorNumber);
guint32 MSP430_Identify(gint8 *data, gint size, guint32 setId);

4.4 Submit your patch

If you have been working for this project, it would be great to give us feed back by submitting a patch file that would be integreated in the distribution.

Note: Don't forget to update the ChangeLog file before doing the diff in order to give us a description of your changes.

4.4.1 Modifications from the tarball

To do so is quite easy, just extract the original project beside your modified one (for example, get in a directory libfmdll-vX.X and libfmdll-vX.X-by-yourself), and use the diff tool to make a patch file :
diff -Nru libfmdll-vX.X libfmdll-vX.X-by-yourself > libfmdll-vX.X-patch-by-yourself.patch

You then just have to send the generated libfmdll-vX.X-patch-by-yourself.patch file by email.

4.4.2 Modifications from the GIT repository

Submitting a modification from the GIT repository is very easy.

If you did n't added your modification with git add ``Your files'', just type :
git diff > libfmdll-vX.X-patch-by-yourself-git.patch

If you added your modification to your local git (without committing), type :
git diff master > libfmdll-vX.X-patch-by-yourself-git.patch

Then just send an email with the generated patch.

Note: Adding modification without committing gives a better result for the patch file.

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5 License

Free MSP430 Debugger Link Library v0.2a
Copyright (C) 2010 Aurélien VALADE

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.

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6 Bibliography

For the initial release of this project, some data and sites were helpful :

Last Update: Sunday, 18-Apr-2010 15:09:52 UTC